
TaverntainmenT First*4*Tavern EntertainmenT

Season Points Leader


Rank Player Average Total Points Top 8 Scores
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1st Deblois, Paul 8,422 72,780 10,450 9,750 9,625 9,165 9,075 9,075 5,280 4,960
2nd newcomb, nancy 8,200 65,600 12,400 10,725 10,400 10,400 6,825 6,435 4,290 4,125
3rd Godette, Michelle 7,953 63,630 15,200 14,400 8,800 7,520 7,150 5,600 4,960 0
4th Cookman, David 7,876 63,015 15,600 13,200 11,050 10,725 6,240 3,200 3,000 0
5th Castaldy, Matt 7,273 58,190 12,800 11,050 8,800 8,225 7,215 3,600 3,300 3,200
6th Rider (Stack-O-Lot), Kyle 6,786 54,295 12,350 7,755 7,520 6,435 6,240 5,120 4,750 4,125
7th Campbell, Cynthia 6,668 53,345 14,800 14,000 8,525 6,240 5,280 4,500 0 0
8th Moore, Miriam 6,650 53,200 14,000 12,800 7,285 6,630 6,435 6,050 0 0
9th Adams, Annie 6,085 48,685 12,800 10,725 9,075 8,800 7,285 0 0 0
10th MacArthur, Douglas 5,893 47,145 11,700 8,800 7,605 7,520 5,120 3,300 3,100 0
11th Huff, Tyler 5,781 46,250 10,725 10,175 9,350 5,600 5,280 5,120 0 0
12th Jarvis, Johnathan 5,697 45,580 13,600 12,350 7,150 5,280 4,000 3,200 0 0
13th Nadeau, Richard 5,520 44,165 15,200 13,600 8,930 6,435 0 0 0 0
14th Thomson, Wayne 5,273 42,185 12,800 8,250 7,410 6,825 3,800 3,100 0 0
15th Bower, Andrew 5,173 41,385 13,200 8,930 6,630 4,875 4,250 3,500 0 0
16th Miller, Rhondda 5,043 40,345 11,375 10,725 9,075 5,170 4,000 0 0 0
17th Nadeau, Paul 4,771 38,175 13,200 10,400 7,755 3,520 3,300 0 0 0
18th Kent, Arlene 4,634 37,075 13,200 10,075 7,755 6,045 0 0 0 0
19th Nadeau, Scott 3,932 31,460 13,200 7,990 7,520 2,750 0 0 0 0
20th Ramos, Paul 3,646 29,175 8,800 8,695 6,240 5,440 0 0 0 0
21st Tilton, Anna 3,385 27,080 8,800 6,240 5,120 3,520 3,400 0 0 0
22nd Vermokowitz, David 3,103 24,825 10,400 9,625 4,800 0 0 0 0 0
23rd Greenwood, Steven 2,778 22,225 9,350 7,755 5,120 0 0 0 0 0
24th Howe, Kim 2,456 19,655 7,410 5,170 3,875 3,200 0 0 0 0
25th Martin, Sheldon 2,340 18,720 12,800 5,920 0 0 0 0 0 0
26th Newcomb, Stephen 2,175 17,405 7,520 5,760 4,125 0 0 0 0 0
27th Mohrmann, Richard A.,(Big Jake 888) 1,788 14,310 8,460 5,850 0 0 0 0 0 0
28th M, Steve 804 6,435 6,435 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
29th Cushing, Ronald 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30th King, Charles (Charles of NH) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unranked Players (have not played a minimum of 8 games)
T, Mike 44,200 11,375 8,800 8,225 7,050 4,750 4,000
McIntyre, Kevin 41,320 12,400 8,525 6,240 6,080 4,375 3,700
kelchner, keith 34,480 10,400 7,755 6,050 4,125 3,400 2,750 0
Murdough, Kenneth 28,560 9,075 6,045 5,440 4,250 3,750
Duso, Alex 18,575 10,450 4,125 4,000
falzone, peter 16,965 12,675 4,290
Tillman, Greg 16,025 12,025 4,000 0 0 0 0 0
Magnusson, Brian 15,350 10,725 4,625
Baker, David 12,000 12,000
Howe, Pat 10,190 7,990 2,200
Archambault , Jeremy 9,900 9,900
Woodsum, Greg 7,100 3,800 3,300
Turcotte, Patrick 7,020 7,020
Bartkiewicz, Amy 6,080 6,080 0 0 0 0 0
Currier, David 0 0
Fournier, Nick 0 0 0
Hollinrake, Mike 0 0 0
Ingalls, Steven 0 0
Little, Richard 0 0 0 0 0